Departure and arrival times for all buses and trains
Always up to speed: We’ve put together a complete list of departure and arrival times for every bus route and train line within the südtirolmobil network. And for an extra quick search, use the filters to select a particular line, location, sector or means of transport.
Extra bus services on school days: This overview also contains the timetables of buses that – in addition to regularly scheduled services – run only on school days. Please note that these services are not featured in our printed timetable booklets.
sta – Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG/Strutture Trasporto Alto Adige SpA
Gerbergasse 60
I-39100 Bozen
Phone: +39 0471 312 888
E-mail: info@sta.bz.it
I-39100 Bozen
Phone: +39 0471 312 888
E-mail: info@sta.bz.it
Traffic information office
+39 0471 220 880 (select option 1)
Mon-Sat: 6:00-20:00
Sundays and public holidays: 7:30-20:00
Mon-Sat: 6:00-20:00
Sundays and public holidays: 7:30-20:00
südtirolmobil Service and Information Centre
+39 0471 220 880 (select option 2)
Mon-Fri: 8:00-18:00
Mon-Fri: 8:00-18:00
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